Virtual Event Digital

Online Workshop: Beyond Acquisition KPIs: Reimagine Customer Success for Ultimate Growth

Online Event - UK & Netherlands
Sep 18, 2024
2:00pm - 2:45pm (BST)

This is an exclusive, invite-only event intended for Senior Marketers based in the UK and Netherlands. Please plan to join us online at 1.55pm BST.


Digital Marketing doesn’t end at new customer onboarding. Engaged customers through their full journey leads to revenue growth, better retention rates, and the holy grail of loyalty - especially for industries reliant on established trust and relationships.


With switching costs at an all-time low, having your customers succeed and engaged throughout their journeys is an absolute priority.


Join this online workshop and learn strategies to help optimise your organisation's customer journeys, with topics ranging from new customer acquisition and onboarding, to customer communications, event-based activities, and much more. 


Plus, better understand the critical role of new accessibility and inclusion mandates coming in 2025. Customer success includes everyone learning how your organisation can prepare for a new array of accessibility, data and security requirements. 



Key workshop highlights include:


  • Use cases and best practices - a glimpse into how industry experts, such as IDG Founder Research, think about customer success, with use cases and best practices to action  
  • Key Resources to help you understand 2025 accessibility and compliance mandates
  • Aligning key technologies -  mapping out how omnichannel, customer journeys, personalisation, and AI work together



Free for senior marketers from leading brands
Expert Speaker
Greg Dierickse
Senior Product Marketing Manager

Greg Dierickse has been helping customers improve their digital experiences for overall 20 years, including product and marketing management at Dell EMC, HP, and Oracle. Greg also uses his first-hand experience running Web and Digital marketing teams to better understand the diverse requirements for highly personalized experiences. Previously, Greg has worked in Canada, United States, Singapore and Shanghai, and applies a global mind-set to unique customer journeys.

Expert Speaker
Jean-Baptiste Adet
RVP Solution Consulting

Jean-Baptiste Adet is the RVP of Solution Consulting for OpenText’s Digital Experience team, leading experts who help customers leverage DX solutions. With over 20 years of experience in Digital and Customer Experience, he has worked across the UK, France, UAE, and Spain. Jean-Baptiste has enabled enterprises to maximise the value of CCM, WCM, and DAM solutions. He holds a Master of Science in Engineering, specialising in Information Systems, from PolyTech Nancy, France.

Event Agenda Show more

13:55 - 14:00
Zoom Check-In
Check-in online ready for the Workshop
14:00 - 14:05
14:05 - 14:20
Expert Presentations
Hear from our Expert Partner - OpenText
14:20 - 14:45
Discussions and Q&A
Dscuss your challenges with the Experts and the other delegates
Closing Remarks

With thanks to our experts

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