In-Person Event Sustainability

Net Zero Masterclass

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LONDON: Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA
Oct 8, 2024
9:00am - 12:45pm

Achieving net zero is no longer just a pipe dream - it's a necessary goal that every company must strive for. But with major challenges ahead, including lack of executive buy-in, lack of cohesion and communication with suppliers, and troubles with ESG reporting, planning and implementing a Net Zero strategy is more prescient than ever. 


Join us at the Net Zero Masterclass to dissect and discuss these challenges and how they pertain to your overall sustainability strategy. 


How it works...


With snappy 10-minute expert presentations and intimate roundtable discussions, this Masterclass is the perfect forum for you to gain valuable insights and practical strategies on all things sustainability. You will also have the opportunity to participate in conversation-driven roundtables on the challenges you're facing with reaching net zero. And if you already know what you'd like to discuss, just let us know. Our registration form gives you the chance to suggest core topics and help us shape the agenda - fill it out today to secure your spot! 


Don't miss this opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills you need to transform your sustainability strategies to reach net zero!


Free for senior sustainability professionals from leading brands
Keynote Speaker
Lewis Richards
Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft

With over 20 years experience in digital innovation and transformation, Lewis' mission is to bring together industry stakholders and technology solutions to address the pressing issues of sustainability, efficiency and quality. As Chief Sustainability Officer for the UK at Microsoft, Lewis is passionate about empowering people and organisations to use the technology around them, especially cloud, lowcode, and VR/AR to create positive impact and value.

Event Agenda Show more

09:00 - 09:30
Registration, Breakfast & Networking
Check-in grab some breakfast and network ahead of the presentations
09:30 - 10:30
Expert Presentations
Hear the latest insights from our Experts
10:30 - 12:15
Roundtable Discussions
Discuss your search challenges with the Speakers and your peers
12:15 - 12:45
Keybote Presentation
Hear from another brand
Close, Lunch & Networking
We encourage you to continue networking over a light lunch and engage with your peers after the event concludes

With thanks to our experts

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  • Questions
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